
On reflection.

Twenty thirteen has been a darn good year.
But sometimes you don't realise how good a year it's been, until you take a step back and reflect.
And what better time to do it, than in this strange vortex of time between Christmas and New Year, where no one really knows what day it is.

I spent a perfect weekend in Northern Ireland, with my husband to be, to make our wedding bands.
I gave blood three times.
I started a new job, with a lot of future promise.
I spent a whooole lot a time with my family.
I treated myself to a shiny new laptop.
I visited my best friend in Switzerland.
I took up horse riding again.

And best of all, I married my best friend. My one and only.
It doesn't really get much better than that.

Happy New Year to you, one and all.


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